What is Healing?
Healing is defined in the Dictionary as “the process of making or becoming sound or whole again”. At BodySpeak we use a range of techniques to guide our clients to realign their Body, Mind and Spirit.
Our systems are comprised equally of the mind, the body and the spirit. They do not exist independently of one another, they are interlinked and inseparable. The need for healing in one space will automatically have an impact on the other. Your body is speaking to you, communicating with you, giving you signals regarding the state of your mind. All you have to do, is to learn to listen.
Physical Illness & Disease
Physical illnesses are known as diseases. If you break the word down it is dis-ease. Meaning not at ease, in other words there is something in your system which is not aligned with the rest of it. Something is being produced within your body more than, or less than is required by the system. We visit the doctor to diagnose the imbalance and prescribe us medicine. The medication works to bring this imbalance back to equilibrium so we can perform at our optimal. It is the same with the therapist.
Our physical body is a manifestation of the mind and the spirit. In other words what we feel on an emotional level and think is transmitted to the body as the final output. Thus, when we feel low in spirit our body is lethargic, our shoulders are droopy, spine will be lax and the face will look dark and gloomy. When we are happy and positively charged our body is upright, there is a smile on our lips, a glow on the face and a skip in our step.
An Experiment
Let’s try this – when you are in a bad mood, or upset, try laughing for say 1 minute – just force yourself to laugh – your mood will change! It is not possible that you will still be upset. This is your body influencing your emotions, because it is interlinked and vice versa. It is another matter entirely that you may not be able to hold onto the good feeling. This is simply because, once the thoughts regain focus in your mind, the endorphins produced by your brain in response to the laughter recede.
In this experiment we see the body influencing the spirit. And the body does so often for example, when we exercise, or dance or have sex. At these times we feel happy and think positive things. The whole world looks wonderful. However, most often the dialog and influence is the other way round. It is the thoughts and feelings that have an impact on the body.
Most people underplay the role of the mind and spirit in diseases and physical ailments. This is because they have been conditioned by years of medical institutions and pharmaceutical companies addressing the needs of only the physical body, ignoring the rest. This belief system is changing and people are beginning to approach ailments and subsequent treatments in a holistic manner.
It is common to hear in conversation, “this is purely a physical thing”. I believe there is no such thing. Everything is interconnected.
The Power of Thought
To explain further, we think a thought – after all we have thousands of thoughts flitting through our minds all day long. Some thoughts just flit and disappear, whilst others stay for longer. Some of them linger, we then start an internal dialog expanding that thought. This causes an emotional response, a feeling. A feeling only becomes real once we experience it in the physical body. We feel it as a sensation – either pleasant or not; somewhere in the body. When these sensations amplify from prolonged negative thoughts and feelings – dis-ease occurs in that part of the body.
At Body Speak we treat the dis-ease between the Body, Mind and Spirit in our counselling sessions. We use integrated techniques of:
- Psychotherapy
- Hypnotherapy
- Gestalt techniques
- Transanctional Analysis
- Past Life Regression
- Crystal Healing
- Breathing techniques
- Self Hypnosis
- Mirror work
Clients come to us with:
- Physical diseases
- Allergies
- Fears and/or Phobias
- Feeling low or stuck in life
- Lack of motivation
- Relationship issues (parent child, in-laws, romantic)
- Problems in their group dynamics (professional and/or social)
- Addiction issues
- Low self esteem in self or children
We evaluate each case individually and treat it as unique, and design the course of therapy accordingly. This process is actively led by patient involvement, choice and preference.